Monday 18 February 2013

Sicky household

It's been a while since I posted. We're all sick. It's rubbish! I've got laryngitis (boo!), I've passed it to Chris (who has been off work, grr!) and C has a runny nose, cough and sticky eyes. We took him to see the doctor today just to be on the safe side. Apparently it's just a viral thing and he just needs to ride it out. 

I feel terrible. Not being able to do anything for him. The cough seems to be hurting him and his wee cries and coos are all whiny. Poor mite.

Valentine's Day was Chris's birthday too and we couldn't even do anything. I feel like a lousy girlfriend! I've promised him we'd have a lovely day together when we're all 100% germ-free!

Anyway, I just wanted to check in. I'll come back to post regularly once we're over the sickness!

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